Mortgage Loan Originator

Rosa Avina

NMLS – 2014331



As a mortgage advisor, it is my job to make the mortgage experience all about you—your time, finances, life, and, more importantly, your goals. Your mortgage needs are unique to you, which is why I focus on creating a customized experience for your situation. If you have any questions or are ready to start your concierge mortgage experience, please contact me using the information provided. Como asesor hipotecario, es mi trabajo hacer que la experiencia hipotecaria se centre en usted: su tiempo, sus finanzas, su vida y, lo que es más importante, sus objetivos. Sus necesidades hipotecarias son únicas para usted, por lo que me enfoco en crear una experiencia personalizada para su situación. Si tiene alguna pregunta o está listo para comenzar su experiencia hipotecaria de conserjería, comuníquese conmigo utilizando la información anterior.

States Licensed:

California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey

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Informed Mortgage LLC’s Decision First® Program completely reverses the mortgage process by pre-underwriting your loan upfront and providing a mortgage approval BEFORE you buy. A Decision First® approval identifies any challenges early in the process, prevents delays after you sign a contract and gets you to the closing table faster.

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If we uncover a problem, Informed Mortgage LLC's Almost Home® program provides a clear course of action to get approved. Our professional mortgage loan originators will lay out a step-by-step plan to overcome any challenges and provide a full suite of pro bono mortgage consulting services to help you obtain the financing you need, no matter how long it takes.

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Working Hours : Mon - Sat: 09.00 to 06.00 (Sun:Closed)
Informed Mortgage LLC© 2023 - Developed by: WiRe Innovation